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Replies to @AndyJReed_OBE

@AndyJReed_OBE Andy that was one of the most amazing ends to a rugby match I would put it alongside the Japan World Cup try in #brighton 2015.
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@AndyJReed_OBE @JakeBenRichards @SHJFitzgerald @Swim_England Yes Andy they are. Just open swimming (not in pool) should surely be encouraged as a recreation?
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@AndyJReed_OBE @ian4downton Good to see #LoughboroughCLP following the Hove example from yesterday Andy!! πŸ˜‚
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@AndyJReed_OBE @MikeFoster1403 Surely the point is that any World Cup needs to be on Free to Air and Boards need to consider audience first ahead of £££.....
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@AndyJReed_OBE @Lynda4Mayor Which has been confirmed tonight!
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@AndyJReed_OBE @danroan @owen_g @mjshrimper @martynziegler @sport_thinktank @LboroSportBiz @ben_rumsby @seaningle Maybe Andy stop spending on a speed skater who has been DQ 5 times over 2 games rather than picking on women’s bobsleigh team who at least finished in top ten!
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@AndyJReed_OBE yep I know but he is taking Athletics down FIFA route trouble I don't think he has vison to sort it out. @DJBond6873
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@AndyJReed_OBE goodness we are in agreement! @Nigelrefowens @SoHKCharity https://t.co/hGST2CQJ5t
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