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Replies to @BHDemocracyNews
@BHDemocracyNews Many Congratulations Sarah for the award well deserved.
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@BHDemocracyNews @BBCSussex @MarkCarterMC I noticed that BBC relating to Sussex said Labour had 4 seats now this is incorrect as Labour won 6 seats which is higher than 1997 as that was 5 in that win.
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@BHDemocracyNews These are the legacy of the Green Party and their hatred of the car which Labour recognise is crucial for many families and others across the City. These prices are a disgrace and more like London parking. Hope review will do the right thing for the 17th July date #brightonhove
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@BHDemocracyNews @dicpagebrighton @jacquelquinn @mazamanlabour It’s a simple matter it’s up to the group with the majority not seen for 20 years but there is no rule relating to the Mayor and it’s a matter for the ruling group. This rule was laid out in 1995/6 when the Unitary was created. I was responsible for that rule.
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@BHDemocracyNews @jacquelquinn Understood was not criticism just historic fact we also considered site for the new Albion stadium but traffic etc were a big no compared to Falmer site
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@BHDemocracyNews This is not a new point. Over 20 years ago developers were told and warned about the traffic issues. That hasn’t changed but number of car movements have. #Hove
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