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Replies to @CPJElmore

@CPJElmore This really is the most ludicrous “defence” ever. Fact no other PM has EVER broken the Law but Johnson has. Tory MPs need to get a spine and stop the Liars (including Sunak) from running their Party. The constant Lies are unacceptable #Partygate
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@CPJElmore @Lynnccourtney Wasn’t suggesting that at all Chris. I am surprised that there hasn’t been some international request probably why Morrison is getting grief.
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@CPJElmore @Lynnccourtney I haven’t seen anything Chris. If Australia was going to make request think they would have done. Should also say that there own Armed Forces are excellent.
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@CPJElmore @Lynnccourtney Hi Chris indeed another Government can request military assistance and then if it was to UK then a decision can be made which could also depend on where military assets are currently.
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